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Review: Google, Apple decent contenders to Office

Over the years, as I've added laptops, smartphones and tablet computers to the collection of desktop machines I use at home and work, it's become a chore to keep track of which files are where. Once I bring in friends and ...

S.Korea's traditional markets go high-tech

Seoul's traditional markets—bustling, narrow streets of small vendors selling cheap, fresh produce—have largely opted out of the high-tech charge to make the South Korean capital one of the most wired cities on earth.

US teens love apps, not tracking

American teenagers love their smartphone apps, but many are avoiding them, due to fears about privacy and location tracking.

Apple's grip on China tablet market loosens

Apple's grip on China's tablet market has loosened as Asian tech companies increase sales with cheaper Android tablet computers, a market report showed Thursday.

China Telecom profit rises after it offers iPhone

State-owned China Telecom, the country's third biggest mobile phone operator by subscribers, said Wednesday that profits grew in the first half of the year as revenue from iPhone sales kicked in.

Windows 8.1 set for October 18 release

A tweaked version of Microsoft's Windows operating system which restores the "Start" button missed by users and updates other features will be available on October 18, the company said Wednesday.

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