Related topics: cells

FCC to look at exclusive cell phone deals

(AP) -- Regulators will investigate whether exclusive cell phone deals, such as the one that locks the iPhone to AT&T, are good for consumers.

Helping horses come to term

It is not only humans that sometimes experience difficulty having children. Horses too have a low birth rate, with many pregnancies failing within the first few weeks after conception. The reason is currently unknown but ...

How Toxoplasma parasites glide so swiftly

If you're a cat owner, you might have heard of Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan that sometimes infects humans through contact with contaminated feces in litterboxes. Although harmless to most people, T. gondii can cause serious ...

Nanowires create elite warriors to enhance T cell therapy

Adoptive T-cell therapy has revolutionized medicine. A patient's T-cells—a type of white blood cell that is part of the body's immune system—are extracted and modified in a lab and then infused back into the body, to ...

Age estimation from blood has immediate forensic application

In principle, the new profiling method could be put to immediate practical use by law enforcement, according to the researchers who report their findings in the November 23rd issue of Current Biology, a Cell Press publication. ...

Nanoneedle breakthrough gives hope for cheaper cancer treatment

Australian scientists have successfully found a way to inject beneficial genetic material into white blood cells in a world-first breakthrough that could significantly improve treatment options for certain types of blood ...

Promising new target emerges for autoimmune diseases

University of Michigan scientists say they have uncovered a fundamentally new mechanism that holds in check aggressive immune cells that can attack the body's own cells. The findings open a new avenue of research for future ...

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