Related topics: cells

Surges in latent infections: Mathematical analysis of viral blips

Recurrent infection is a common feature of persistent viral diseases. It includes episodes of high viral production interspersed by periods of relative quiescence. These quiescent or silent stages are hard to study with experimental ...

Wireless carriers are blocking tethering apps

( -- If you have an Android 2.2 OS smartphone, such as the HTC Nexus One, then you have tethering as part of the base experience. Other users could make tethering an option for themselves by downloading an app, ...

Scientists uncover new factor in HIV infection

A George Mason University researcher team has revealed the specific process by which the HIV virus infects healthy T cells—a process previously unknown. The principal investigator, HIV researcher Yuntao Wu, says he hopes ...

Nanoparticle boosted T-cells take on cancer

( -- According to a study in Nature, Darrell Irvine from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his team members have found a way to boost the natural immune system when it comes to fighting cancer by arming ...

Building A Handheld HIV Detector

Most Africans infected with HIV live in rural areas, where access to HIV testing has lagged behind the growing availability of HIV-fighting drugs.

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