Sex is 'nothing but trouble', geneticist says

( —Sex determining genes in marsupials have shed some light on how the Y chromosome, which determines the male sex in humans, will quickly degenerate and eventually disappear, according to a world-renowned evolutionary ...

How the kilogram has put on weight

Using a state-of-the-art Theta-probe XPS machine experts at Newcastle University, UK, have shown the original kilogram is likely to be tens of micrograms heavier than it was when the first standard was set in 1875. And they ...

Supramolecules spin promises for future

(—Microscopic particles that can be made to switch their magnetic state could mean computers of the future will be able to store much more data in much less space. 

Dead stars could be the future of spacecraft navigation

Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of Leicester have been commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA) to investigate the feasibility of using dead stars to navigate spacecraft in deep ...

Swift progress on NSLS-II booster

The electrons that will generate intense, focused beams of x-rays at NSLS-II are accelerated to their target energy before they enter the large main ring. That crucial job falls on a complex of equipment known as the injector, ...

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