NASA finds Virginia metro area is sinking unevenly

A new NASA-led study shows that land in the Hampton Roads, Virginia, metropolitan area is sinking at highly uneven rates, with a few trouble spots subsiding 7 to 10 times faster than the area average. Whereas earlier estimates ...

Scientists construct first-ever synthetic DNA-like polymer

Double helical covalent polymers—which are spiraling collections of nature's building blocks—are fundamental to life itself, and yet, despite decades of research, scientists have never been able to synthesize them in ...

Cancer vaccine packaged in minute particles

Leiden researchers have carried out successful tests using a new method of packaging a cancer vaccine in nanoparticles. The new vaccine has induced a strong immune reaction in mice. The researchers believe that this method ...

Producing leather-like materials from fungi

Traditional leather and its alternatives are typically obtained from animals and synthetic polymers. Leather can be considered a co-product of meat production with both livestock farming and the leather production process ...

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