Scientists help unravel life's cosmic beginnings

Knowledge about the early forms of life in the universe that may have led to the development of life on Earth remains largely unknown. However, a group of scientists at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa are attempting ...

Using single-antibodies as a new tool to build bio-circuitry

By using single-antibodies, Professor Hirohide Saito (Department of Life Science Frontiers) and his team of researchers, Shodai Komatsu and Assistant Professor Hirohisa Ohno, have developed a novel system to control gene ...

Bioengineered yeast feed on agricultural waste

Yeast has been used for thousands of years in the production of beer and wine and for adding fluff and flavor to bread. They are nature's tiny factories that can feed on sugars found in fruit and grains and other nutrients—and ...

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