Protein that could prevent chemical warfare attack created

A team that includes Rutgers scientists has designed a synthetic protein that quickly detects molecules of a deadly nerve agent that has been classified by the United Nations as a weapon of mass destruction and could be used ...

A simple and universal design for fuel cell electrolyte

Researchers at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have successfully established a universal synthetic design using porous organic ...

New study could revolutionize the way we recycle

Researchers from the University of Surrey together with colleagues from Germany, Spain and France are set to start work on a novel technique to tackle plastic waste, potentially revolutionizing the way we recycle. Engineered ...

New synthesis of complex organic molecules revealed

Japanese scientists have—for the first time—developed an efficient way to make organic molecules that have so far been difficult to synthesize because of their overall bulky structure and general instability.

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