Trapped! Scientists Immobilize Bacteria in Fibrous Hydrogel

( -- Bacteria play a role in myriad industrial processes from fermentation to cleaning up environmental pollution. But floating freely in solution, the microbial cells constantly multiply, generating biomass that ...

Simulated gene therapy

In a recent issue of The Journal of Chemical Physics, published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP), a group of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Los Alamos National Laboratory describe the ...

DNA-based gel produces proteins without live cells

( -- A new method developed by Cornell biological engineers offers an efficient way to make proteins for use in medicine or industry without the use of live cells. The proteins made in this way include many that ...

Synthesizing the most natural of all skin creams

Even after nine months soaking in the womb, a newborn's skin is smooth - unlike an adult's in the bath. While occupying a watery, warm environment, the newborn manages to develop a skin fully equipped to protect it in a cold, ...

Bioengineered yeast feed on agricultural waste

Yeast has been used for thousands of years in the production of beer and wine and for adding fluff and flavor to bread. They are nature's tiny factories that can feed on sugars found in fruit and grains and other nutrients—and ...

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