ESA makes ground motion data freely accessible

Any movement beneath our feet—from barely perceptible subsidence to the sudden appearance of a sinkhole or a crashing landslide—spells big trouble. Even relatively modest subsidence can weaken buildings and infrastructure ...

Image: Meet the world's largest iceberg

An enormous iceberg has calved from the western side of the Ronne Ice Shelf, lying in the Weddell Sea, in Antarctica. The iceberg, dubbed A-76, measures around 4320 sq km in size—currently making it the largest berg in ...

Imaging space debris in high resolution

Litter is not only a problem on Earth. According to NASA, there are currently millions of pieces of space junk in the range of altitudes from 200 to 2,000 kilometers above the Earth's surface, which is known as low Earth ...

New biomass map to take stock of the world's carbon

The first of a series of global maps aimed at quantifying change in carbon stored as biomass across the world's forests and shrublands has been released today by ESA's Climate Change Initiative at COP25—the United Nation ...

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