Related topics: molecules

Breakthrough in β-lactam synthesis using nickel catalysts

Led by Director Chang Sukbok, scientists from the Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalizations within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have made a significant advancement in the synthesis of β-lactam scaffolds, ...

Advances in producing the anti-HIV compound Lancilactone C

In a study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, researchers appear to have discovered a way to produce a true structure of the rare but naturally-occurring anti-HIV compound Lancilactone C from start ...

Research team develops process for bio-based nylon

In T-shirts, stockings, shirts, and ropes—or as a component of parachutes and car tires—polyamides are used everywhere as synthetic fibers. At the end of the 1930s, the name Nylon was coined for such synthetic polyamides. ...

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