3-D X-ray films show internal movement dynamics

How does the hip joint of a crawling weevil move? A technique to record 3D X-ray films showing the internal movement dynamics in a spatially precise manner and, at the same time, in the temporal dimension has now been developed ...

Using rare earths to interpret certain fossils

Until now, interpreting flattened fossils was a major challenge. Now, a new approach for the analysis of such fossils has been developed by a team bringing together researchers from the IPANEMA unit (CNRS), the Centre de ...

Supervolcano triggers recreated in X-ray laboratory

Scientists have reproduced the conditions inside the magma chamber of a supervolcano to understand what it takes to trigger its explosion. These rare events represent the biggest natural catastrophes on Earth except for the ...

Scientists decode serotonin receptor at room temperature

An international research team has decoded the molecular structure of the medically important serotonin receptor at room temperature for the first time. This study reveals the dynamics of the receptor at close to its operating ...

Integrated approaches to customize fungal cell factories

The natural ability of certain fungi to break down complex substances makes them very valuable microorganisms to use as cell factories in industrial processes. Advances in metabolic engineering and systems biology are helping ...

Breakthrough unravels photoelectric effect

An international team including theorists from the Department of Electromagnetic Processes and Atomic Nuclei Interactions of the MSU Institute of Nuclear Physics managed, for the first time in the history of photoelectric ...

Giving smart materials an IQ test at SSRL

Anna Llordés, a chemist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Molecular Foundry, looks for simple, inexpensive ways to make "smart" materials that save or store energy. One way she and her colleagues do this is by combining ...

Better catalyst for solar-powered hydrogen production

(Phys.org) —Hydrogen is a "green" fuel that burns cleanly and can generate electricity via fuel cells. One way to sustainably produce hydrogen is by splitting water molecules using the renewable power of sunlight, but scientists ...

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