What causes traffic gridlock?

Everyday life enters a different phase on the Tuesday after Labor Day, the unofficial start of autumn in the United States. As students and employees return from vacation, and vehicles fully flood roadways once again, drivers ...

Social networking helps hermit crabs find homes (w/ Video)

Everyone wants to live in the nicest possible house, ideally with regular upgrades. A recent study by biologists at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences and the New England Aquarium reveals that hermit crabs may ...

How do spiders hunt 'in unison'?

Within the 50,000 known species of spiders about 20 have developed a permanent social life characterized by a remarkable cooperation. Among these, one or two species hunt "in packs," such as the Anelosimus eximius spiders ...

Hubble remains in safe mode, NASA team investigating

NASA is continuing to investigate why the instruments in the Hubble Space Telescope recently went into safe mode configuration, suspending science operations. The instruments are healthy and will remain in safe mode while ...

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