Flies sleep just like us

(Phys.org) —Researchers at The University of Queensland have discovered that, like humans, flies sleep in stages of different intensities.

Graphene nanoparticles and their influence on neurons

Effective, specific, with a reversible and non-harmful action: the identikit of the perfect biomaterial seems to correspond to graphene flakes, the subject of a new study carried out by SISSA—International School for Advanced ...

Tracking worm sex drive, neuron by neuron

The males prowl a dark, crowded space. Using a mix of instinct and sensory cues, they pursue potential mates. But how do they decide when to make their move? New findings answer that question, at least for the tiny soil-dwelling ...

Does physical activity influence the health of future offspring?

Physical and mental exercise can affect the learning ability of future offspring, at least in mice. This particular form of inheritance is mediated by certain RNA molecules that influence gene activity. These molecules accumulate ...