Can sweet corn be grown using less atrazine?

Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides in North American corn production, but heated controversy remains over the 50-plus-year-old product. Several other herbicides are used in corn production, and a host of ...

Sweet corn study provides large-scale picture of better fields

In what amounted to a kind of census of sweet corn grown for processing, three years of data from 175 fields in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota shed light on what works and what doesn't. Along with identifying the most ...

Researchers look at sweet corn damage caused by stink bugs

Cooperative Extension agents and researchers at the University of Delaware are taking a closer look at how brown marmorated stink bugs are causing damage to developing ears of sweet corn, the results of which could lead to ...

In sweet corn, workhorses win

When deciding which sweet corn hybrids to plant, vegetable processors need to consider whether they want their contract growers using a workhorse or a racehorse. Is it better to choose a hybrid with exceptional yields under ...

Collaboration yields new organic sweet corn variety

When the time comes for Wisconsin's organic farmers to decide which crops to plant next year, they'll have a tasty new variety of sweet corn—with a particularly sweet name—among their choices.

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