Student team unveils world's first solar-powered family car

The Solar Team Eindhoven (STE) of TU/e in the Netherlands presented the world's first solar-powered family car today. 'Stella' is the first 'energy-positive car' with room for four people, a trunk, intuitive steering and ...

Clean energy from local producers

Is it possible to boost sales of locally produced solar energy by allowing households to trade it through a peer-to-peer platform? The year-long Quartierstrom research project in Walenstadt is investigating how energy markets ...

Morocco sees 12% of power from sun by 2020

Morocco said Tuesday it is "very confident" of finding the investment needed to build vast solar power plants in its southern desert regions and become a world-class solar energy producer.

Northwest power surplus may halt wind energy

(AP) -- The manager of most of the electricity in the Pacific Northwest is running such a surplus of power from hydroelectric dams that it put wind farms on notice Friday that they may be shut down as early as this weekend.

The energy system of the future and Power-to-X

In a joint research project of five Swiss competence centres for energy research, scientists of the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and colleagues have prepared a white paper on "Power-to-X" for consideration by the Swiss Federal ...

Countries use innovation to deal with climate change

While we hear of the effect climate change is having around the world, it is refreshing to hear of innovative ways that EU countries are helping to reduce the damage. In a pan-European contest organised by the European Commission, ...