Related topics: patients · surgery

Light beam replaces blood test during heart surgery

A University of Central Florida professor has invented a way to use light to continuously monitor a surgical patient's blood, for the first time providing a real-time status during life-and-death operations.

Researchers block morphine's itchy side effect

Itching is one of the most prevalent side effects of powerful, pain-killing drugs like morphine, oxycodone and other opioids. The opiate-associated itch is so common that even women who get epidurals for labor pain often ...

Imaging system helps surgeons remove tiny ovarian tumors

Ovarian cancer is usually diagnosed only after it has reached an advanced stage, with many tumors spread throughout the abdomen. Most patients undergo surgery to remove as many of these tumors as possible, but because some ...

Engineers monitor heart with paper-thin flexible 'skin'

( —Engineers combine layers of flexible materials into pressure sensors to create a wearable heart monitor thinner than a dollar bill. The skin-like device could one day provide doctors with a safer way to check ...

Exploring physical rehabilitation for dogs

When dogs have an injury or chronic condition, such as arthritis, physical rehabilitation can ease their pain and improve their strength and flexibility.

'CSI' technology holds potential in everyday medicine

A scientific instrument featured on CSI and CSI: Miami for instant fingerprint analysis is forging another life in real-world medicine, helping during brain surgery and ensuring that cancer patients get effective doses of ...

Doctors come together to save eyesight of 3-year-old gorilla

Animal care specialists at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park were concerned when they noticed cloudiness in the left eye of Leslie, a three-year-old female western lowland gorilla. Closer inspection confirmed the lens had changed ...

Study shows promise of gene therapy for alcohol use disorder

A form of gene therapy currently used to treat Parkinson's disease may dramatically reduce alcohol use among chronic heavy drinkers, researchers at Oregon Health & Science University and institutions across the country have ...

New probe could help surgeons more accurately remove tumours

A study led by researchers at RCSI's Department of Chemistry has the potential to help surgeons more accurately remove tumours and detect cancer in lymph nodes during surgery. The research, led by RCSI Professor of Chemistry ...

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