Absorbing electromagnetic energy while avoiding the heat

Electrical engineers at Duke University have created the world's first electromagnetic metamaterial made without any metal. The device's ability to absorb electromagnetic energy without heating up has direct applications ...

Controlling ultrasound with 3-D printed devices

Ultrasound is more than sound. Obstetricians use it to peer inside a woman's uterus and observe a growing baby. Surgeons use powerful beams of ultrasound to destroy cancer cells. Researchers fire ultrasound into materials ...

Sun glitter reveals coastal waves

Sentinel-2A is demonstrating how it can be used to help forecast ocean waves around our coasts: sunlight reflected from the water surface reveals complex waves as they encounter the coastline and seafloor off the tip of Dorre ...

Physicists generate ocean vortices in a glass of water

Scientists from a number of Russian universities, including MIPT, have studied previously neglected phenomena and determined the cause of liquid vortex flow formed by surface waves. The results of the theoretical calculations ...

Governing mechanisms of waves in fluids

The first detection of gravitational waves, which took place a few weeks ago, has brought attention to a physical phenomenon that had long been theorized: waves carry information and can signal extraordinary (or extreme) ...

New theory of deep-ocean sound waves may aid tsunami detection

Acoustic-gravity waves are very long sound waves that cut through the deep ocean at the speed of sound. These lightning-quick currents can sweep up water, nutrients, salts, and any other particles in their wake, at any water ...

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