Related topics: surface

A new twist on surface tension

( -- On a mission to manipulate microscale structures of materials, researchers engineer new methods of controlling surface tension.

Trapping butterfly wings' qualities

Butterflies have inspired humans since the time of ancient Egypt, but now they're also inspiring researchers to look toward nature to help create the next generation of waterproof materials for electronics and sensors.

Neutrons answer shampoo formulation puzzle

( -- Scientists at the Institut Laue-Langevin have used neutrons to solve a long-standing mystery about the surface properties of polyelectrolyte/surfactant mixtures, such as those used in many detergents, paints, ...

Researchers tap yeasts as source of 'green' surfactants

Surfactants, which are wetting agents that lower a liquid's surface tension, have a long list of uses, from detergents and cosmetics to paints and pesticides. Most surfactants are petroleum-based. But in Peoria, Ill., a team ...

Microcantilevers are masters of measurement

( -- Devices that look like tiny diving boards are a launching platform for research that could improve detergents and advance understanding of disease.

Venom tears: Snake bites can turn out to be groovy

Many people worry about the manner of their death. Death by car accident, death by cancer and death by gunshot are some of the more dreaded ways to go. No less awful is the prospect of death by snakebite. So a new research ...

Fire ants assemble as a 'super-organism' (w/ video)

The ants may go marching one by one, but they end up forming a superstructure of thousands -- and together they can form a raft that stretches the boundaries of the laws of physics, according to new research released today. ...

The Marangoni effect: A fluid phenom (w/ Video)

( -- What do a wine glass on Earth and an International Space Station experiment have in common? Well, observing the wine glass would be one of few ways to see and understand the experiment being performed in ...

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