Related topics: surface

Rewrite the textbooks on water's surface tension

Researchers from the University of Melbourne and University of Sydney are confident their new reaserach results will make significant differences to the calculations of surface tension of water used by the next generation ...

Video: The anatomy of a raindrop

When asked to picture the shape of raindrops, many of us will imagine water looking like tears that fall from our eyes, or the stretched out drip from a leaky faucet. This popular misconception is often reinforced in weather ...

Cocktail novelties inspired by nature's designs

An MIT mathematician and a celebrity chef have combined talents to create two culinary novelties inspired by nature. John Bush, a professor of applied mathematics, and renowned Spanish chef José Andrés have designed a cocktail ...

Culinary biomimicry

( —As any chef knows, preparing good food is just physics, or was that chemistry? Either way, the state of the art in cooking increasingly looks to science for inspiration. Engineers at MIT have partnered up with ...

Water impurities key to an icicle's ripples

A group of physicists from Canada have been growing their own icicles in a lab in the hope of solving a mystery that has, up until now, continued to puzzle scientists.

Rethinking surface tension

( —If you've ever watched a drop of water form into a bead or a water strider scoot across a pond, you are familiar with a property of liquids called surface tension.

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