After 50 years, US to return to moon on January 25

More than 50 years after the last Apollo mission, the United States will try once again to land a craft on the moon on January 25, said the head of what could be the first private company to successfully touch down on the ...

Scientists map loss of groundwater storage around the world

Global water resources are stretched by climate change and human population growth, and farms and cities are increasingly turning to groundwater to fill their needs. Unfortunately, the pumping of groundwater can cause the ...

Indian spacecraft heads towards center of solar system

India's sun-monitoring spacecraft has crossed a landmark point on its journey to escape "the sphere of Earth's influence", its space agency said, days after the disappointment of its moon rover failing to awaken.

Observing microscopic transformations of electrocatalyst surfaces

Developing technologies that can convert CO2 into synthetic fuels and base chemicals is of key importance for reaching climate goals. The electrochemical reduction of CO2 at copper electrodes using electric power from renewable ...

How an earthquake becomes a tsunami

The movement between continental and oceanic plates at the bottom of the sea, so-called megathrust earthquakes, generates the strongest tremors and the most dangerous tsunamis. How and when they occur, however, has been poorly ...

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