Static electricity's tiny sparks

Static electricity is a ubiquitous part of everyday life. It's all around us, sometimes funny and obvious, as when it makes your hair stand on end, sometimes hidden and useful, as when harnessed by the electronics in your ...

Solved: The mystery of the nanoscale crop circles

( -- Almost three years ago a team of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) was performing an experiment in which layers of gold mere nanometers (billionths ...

Nanobelts support manipulation of light

( -- They look like 2-by-4s, but the materials being created in a Rice University lab are more suited to construction with light.

Breakthrough in race to create 'bio-batteries'

( —Scientists at the University of East Anglia have made an important breakthrough in the quest to generate clean electricity from bacteria.

Computing with molecules: A big step in molecular spintronics

Spintronics or spin electronics in contrast to conventional electronics uses the spin of electrons for sensing, information storage, transport, and processing. Potential advantages are nonvolatility, increased data processing ...

Energy storage of the future

Personal electronics such as cell phones and laptops could get a boost from some of the lightest materials in the world.

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