Related topics: nanoparticles

Clock mystery from 350 years ago is shedding light on human health

In 1665, the inventor of the pendulum clock, Christiaan Huygens, noticed that two of his clocks hung on the same wall would eventually sync up, so that their pendulums swung in opposite directions in perfect time. This "insensible ...

Nuclease-resistant hybrid nanoflowers

An eco-friendly method to synthesize DNA-copper nanoflowers with high load efficiencies, low cytotoxicity, and strong resistance against nucleases has been developed by Professor Hyun Gyu Park in the Department of Chemical ...

New study emphasizes the relative scarcity of lake water

What is the volume of water in lakes on Earth? Using a mathematical analysis, researcher David Seekell, at UmeƄ University, and his American collaborators now suggest that the mean depth of lakes is 30 per cent lower than ...

Virus hydrophobicity can help purify vaccines

A person doesn't have to get sick to catch a virus. Researchers hope to catch viruses for detection and vaccinations by understanding their sticky outer layers.

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