Superfast airplanes through super tiny technology

An interdisciplinary team of scientists led by Princeton engineers has been awarded a $3 million grant to study how fuel additives made of tiny particles known as nanocatalysts can help supersonic jets fly faster and make ...

Supersonic NASA parachute torn to pieces in latest test

NASA scientists working toward putting people on Mars said Tuesday a supersonic parachute they are developing to slow a vehicle's approach to the Red Planet partially deployed in a test, but immediately ripped apart.

Supersonic Freefall

The sound barrier was first broken by an aircraft in 1947, but this year a man will attempt to break the sound barrier with his body alone. His freefall jump from the edge of space will not only break records, but could contribute ...

Orion's belt lights up Cassini's view of Enceladus

( -- NASA's Cassini mission will take advantage of the position of two of the three stars in Orion's belt when the spacecraft flies by Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., Oct. 19. As the hot, bright stars pass behind ...

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