Commercial supersonic aircraft could return to the skies

Flying faster than the speed of sound still sounds futuristic for regular people, more than 15 years after the last commercial supersonic flights ended. The planes that made those journeys, the 14 aircraft collectively known ...

Design chosen for British 1,000 mph car (w/ Video)

( -- A British team hoping to be the first to get a car to 1,000 mph (1,610 km/h) has made its final design selection. The six-tonne car, known as the Bloodhound, will be powered by a Eurofighter jet engine mounted ...

Uncorking champagne bottle produces supersonic shock waves

Opening a bottle of champagne traditionally marks the beginning of a festive celebration. Following the fun pop of the cork, a fizz of bubbles releases into the air, and finally, there is the pleasant tingle on the tongue.

Crowd called to power Hyperloop high-speed transport

The Internet crowd on Thursday was called on to make real Elon Musk's vision of a Hyperloop transport system that carries passengers in pressurized tubes at near-supersonic speeds.

NASA investigates the 'FaINT' side of sonic booms

(—Sonic booms created by aircraft flying faster than the speed of sound certainly aren't known for being faint, but rather for their loud, make-you-jump startle effect for those who experience them. However, sonic ...

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