Hubble spies a stately spiral galaxy

The stately sweeping spiral arms of the spiral galaxy NGC 5495 are revealed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 in this image. NGC 5495, which lies around 300 million light-years from Earth in the ...

Cosmic 'leaf blower' robs galaxy of star-making fuel

( -- Supernova explosions and the jets of a monstrous black hole are scattering a galaxy's star-making gas like a cosmic leaf blower, a new study finds. The findings, which relied on ultraviolet observations from ...

A wealth of molecules in an extreme galaxy

( -- Arp 220 is the closest galaxy to the Milly Way with an extreme luminosity, defined as being more than about 300 times that of our own galaxy. Some dramatic galaxies have values of luminosity ten times brighter ...

Warm gas pours 'cold water' on galaxy's star-making

Some like it hot, but for creating new stars, a cool cosmic environment is ideal. As a new study suggests, a surge of warm gas into a nearby galaxy—left over from the devouring of a separate galaxy—has extinguished star ...

Quasar gas clouds: Gone, with the wind

(—The case of the missing quasar gas clouds has been solved by a worldwide team of astronomers, and the answer is blowin' in the wind.

Why do some galactic unions lead to doom?

Three images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope show pairs of galaxies on the cusp of cosmic consolidations. Though the galaxies appear separate now, gravity is pulling them together, and soon they will combine to form new, ...

Zooming in on the origins of fast radio bursts

Astronomers have peered into the home galaxies of fast radio bursts, ruling out supermassive black holes as a cause and bringing us a step closer to understanding the origins of these mysterious signals from outer space.

Bright X-ray galactic nuclei

All massive galaxies are believed to host supermassive black holes (SMBH) at their centers that grow by accreting mass from their environment. The current picture also imagines that the black holes grow in size as their host ...

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