Extraordinary black hole found in neighboring galaxy

Astronomers have discovered a black hole unlike any other. At one hundred thousand solar masses, it is smaller than the black holes we have found at the centers of galaxies, but bigger than the black holes that are born when ...

Hubble uncovers concentration of small black holes

Globular clusters are extremely dense stellar systems, in which stars are packed closely together. They are also typically very old—the globular cluster that is the focus of this study, NGC 6397, is almost as old as the ...

How did supermassive black holes grow so fast?

Black holes in the early universe pose a bit of a problem. Based on observations from telescopes on Earth and in space, we know that some black holes grew to be a billion times the mass of the sun just one billion years after ...

New class of black holes discovered

A new class of black hole, more than 500 times the mass of the Sun, has been discovered by an international team of astronomers.

Hubble spots magnificent barred galaxy NGC 2217

The magnificent central bar of NGC 2217 (also known as AM 0619-271) shines bright in the constellation of Canis Major (The Greater Dog), in this image taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Roughly 65 million light-years ...

Intergalactic unions more devastating than we thought

Scientists from MIPT, the University of Oxford, and the Russian Academy of Sciences have estimated the number of stars disrupted by solitary supermassive black holes in galactic centers that formed via mergers of galaxies ...

Galactic 'hailstorm' in the early universe

Two teams of astronomers led by researchers at the University of Cambridge have looked back nearly 13 billion years, when the Universe was less than 10 percent its present age, to determine how quasars - extremely luminous ...

Pushing the boundary on ultralow frequency gravitational waves

A team of physicists has developed a method to detect gravity waves with such low frequencies that they could unlock the secrets behind the early phases of mergers between supermassive black holes, the heaviest objects in ...

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