Related topics: galaxies · black holes

What happens when black holes collide?

The sign of a truly great scientific theory is by the outcomes it predicts when you run experiments or perform observations. And one of the greatest theories ever proposed was the concept of Relativity, described by Albert ...

The photon ring: A black hole ready for its close-up

When scientists unveiled humanity's historic first image of a black hole in 2019—depicting a dark core encircled by a fiery aura of material falling toward it—they believed even richer imagery and insights were waiting ...

Monster black hole discovered at cosmic dawn

Scientists have discovered the brightest quasar in the early universe, powered by the most massive black hole yet known at that time. The international team led by astronomers from Peking University in China and from the ...

Why can't we see the center of the Milky Way?

For millennia, human beings have stared up at the night sky and stood in awe of the Milky Way. Today, stargazers and amateur astronomers continue in this tradition, knowing that what they are witnessing is in fact a collection ...

Did gravitational wave detector find dark matter?

When an astronomical observatory detected two black holes colliding in deep space, scientists celebrated confirmation of Einstein's prediction of gravitational waves. A team of astrophysicists wondered something else: Had ...

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