Physicists explore superconductivity at the two-dimensional limit

Researchers at the University of Valencia show that the superconducting state can be maintained even when the material is reduced from three to two dimensions, making the efficiency gains needed for technologies like frictionless ...

Quantum filter has 20,000 Josephson junctions

(—A team of researchers at CSIRO Manufacturing, in Australia has created several test quantum filters with arrays having as many as 20,000 Josephson junctions. In their paper published in Superconductor Science ...

Physicists discover flaws in superconductor theory

University of Houston physicists report finding major theoretical flaws in the generally accepted understanding of how a superconductor traps and holds a magnetic field. More than 50 years ago, C.P. Bean, a scientist at General ...

Researchers launch next generation of brain scanners

The next generation of magnetoencephalography (MEG) brain scanners is now under development and one of the key enablers to produce lower cost, high performance machines is a nano electronic device designed at Royal Holloway ...

Heavy fermions get nuclear boost on way to superconductivity

In a surprising find, physicists from the United States, Germany and China have discovered that nuclear effects help bring about superconductivity in ytterbium dirhodium disilicide (YRS), one of the most-studied materials ...

Scientists explain the theory behind Ising superconductivity

Superconductivity is a fascinating quantum phenomenon in which electrons form pairs and flow with zero resistance. However, strong enough magnetic field can break electron pairs and destroy superconductivity. Surprisingly, ...

A new dimension to high-temperature superconductivity discovered

A team led by scientists at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory combined powerful magnetic pulses with some of the brightest X-rays on the planet to discover a surprising 3-D arrangement of a material's ...

Two spin liquids square off in an iron-based superconductor

Despite a quarter-century of research since the discovery of the first high-temperature superconductors, scientists still don't have a clear picture of how these materials are able to conduct electricity with no energy loss. ...

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