Glass microspheres aren't the answer for saving Arctic sea ice

A proposal to cover Arctic sea ice with layers of tiny hollow glass spheres about the thickness of one human hair would actually accelerate sea-ice loss and warm the climate rather than creating thick ice and lowering the ...

Sunlight could be used to power lasers

Sunlight, one of the planet's most abundant sources of renewable energy, could be used to power lasers, according to a study from Heriot-Watt University.

Modified silk cloth keeps skin cooler than cotton

A team of researchers affiliated with a host of entities in China and one in the U.S. has developed a modified textile that can keep skin cooler than materials made of cotton. In their paper published in the journal Nature ...

Researchers solve 20-year-old paradox in solar physics

In 1998, the journal Nature published a seminal letter concluding that a mysterious signal, which had been discovered while analyzing the polarization of sunlight, implies that the solar chromosphere (an important layer of ...

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