High efficient solar water heating achieved with nanoparticles

A research team in Japan discovered through numerical calculations that nanoparticles of transition metal nitrides and carbides absorb sunlight very efficiently, and confirmed experimentally that nitride nanoparticles, when ...

Finding the right chemistryfor oil spill cleanups

Sunlight plays a key role in the natural degradation of oil after a spill, oxygenating the oil so it dissolves in seawater and comes in contact with microbes that will break it down. But, under certain conditions, sunlight ...

Energy saving options for the cultivation of chrysanthemum

What energy-saving options are most suitable to be applied at a the cultivation of chrysanthemum? Together with DLV Plant, Wageningen UR greenhouse horticulture has carried out two surveys commissioned by the program 'Kas ...

Video: Sunglasses on demand

Apart from their style, sunglasses have changed very little in the last few decades. Photochromic lenses that change from clear to tinted in sunlight were a big breakthrough.

Detailed analysis shows clouds' effects on daily temperature

Clouds reflect some incoming sunlight, tending to cool Earth's surface, but they also trap some heat leaving Earth's surface, causing warming. These effects, known as cloud radiative forcing, play a key role in temperature ...

Models without volcanic forcing underestimate sea level rise

Volcanic eruptions spew sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, which tends to block incoming sunlight, sometimes cooling the planet for several years. This cooling leads to a decrease in the heat stored in the ocean and thus ...

How long does it take sunlight to reach the Earth?

Here's a question… how long does it take sunlight to reach Earth? This sounds like a strange question, but think about it. Sunlight travels at the speed of light. Photons emitted from the surface of the Sun need to travel ...

Scientist investigates Russian meteor

Dr Hugh Lewis, Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering, has analysed the recent extraordinary Russian meteor event using the "NEOImpactor" tool, which was developed by researchers from the University and designed to investigate ...

No more cloudy days for solar

For a country with so much sunlight, some might think Australia has been slow to adapt its electricity generation mix to include solar power. One of the main reasons for this is solar intermittency.

Probing a link from Sahara dust to climate change

Qilong Min, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate and Professor with the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC) at the University at Albany is developing innovative ways to measure how dust in the Sahara Desert can change ...

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