Learning from plants: visible light energy harvesting

How do they do it? Plants make use of only the energy of sunlight for their requirements. Many researchers are trying to mimic the process to harness the vast energy of the sun. In the article published recently in Angew. ...

Cassini captures ice queen Helene

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA's Cassini spacecraft has successfully completed its second-closest encounter with Saturn's icy moon Helene, beaming down raw images of the small moon. At closest approach, on June 18, Cassini flew within ...

'Artificial leaf' moves closer to reality

An important step toward realizing the dream of an inexpensive and simple "artificial leaf," a device to harness solar energy by splitting water molecules, has been accomplished by two separate teams of researchers at MIT. ...

Bring in the (nano) noise

(PhysOrg.com) -- At the forefront of nanotechnology, researchers design miniature machines to do big jobs, from treating diseases to harnessing sunlight for energy. But as they push the limits of this technology, devices ...

Photovoltaic invention brings inventor acclaim

(PhysOrg.com) -- An invention by a South Dakota State University engineer could improve alternative energy technologies by making it easier for scientists to test new devices.

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