The pathway to potato poisons

In 1924, Science magazine reported on a fatal case of potato poisoning: James B. Matheney of Vandalia, Illinois, had gathered about one and a half bushels of tubers, which had turned green due to sunlight exposure. Two days ...

Influence of sunlight exposure on rhizophora dye solution

( —Natural dyes have been used as the colouring of natural fibres, in cosmetic products, to produce ink, watercolour and artist's paints. Natural dyes produce an extraordinary diversity of rich and complex colour. ...

Models without volcanic forcing underestimate sea level rise

Volcanic eruptions spew sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, which tends to block incoming sunlight, sometimes cooling the planet for several years. This cooling leads to a decrease in the heat stored in the ocean and thus ...

Tomatoes with extra vitamin C via LED lamps

( —Tomatoes can contain more vitamin C if they are exposed to extra light from LED lamps while growing on the plant. This has been proven by research by Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture in collaboration with ...

A giant leap to commercialization of polymer solar cell (PSC)

Researchers from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) have demonstrated high-performance polymer solar cells (PSCs) with power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 8.92% which is the highest values reported ...

This spot on Mercury (almost) never goes dark

Mercury, traveling in its 88-day-long orbit around the Sun with basically zero axial tilt, has many craters at its poles whose insides literally never see the light of day. These permanently-shadowed locations have been found ...

How long does it take sunlight to reach the Earth?

Here's a question… how long does it take sunlight to reach Earth? This sounds like a strange question, but think about it. Sunlight travels at the speed of light. Photons emitted from the surface of the Sun need to travel ...

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