Using nighttime air chemistry to track ozone impact

It is well known that the dog days of summer in St. Louis are hot, humid and hazy. On the warmest of these days, the air arrives from the south, bringing with it high temperatures, moisture and natural forest emissions of ...

Finding the right chemistryfor oil spill cleanups

Sunlight plays a key role in the natural degradation of oil after a spill, oxygenating the oil so it dissolves in seawater and comes in contact with microbes that will break it down. But, under certain conditions, sunlight ...

Image: Pluto's blue atmosphere in the infrared

This image from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is the first look at Pluto's atmosphere in infrared wavelengths, and the first image of the atmosphere made with data from the New Horizons Ralph/Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral ...

Energy saving options for the cultivation of chrysanthemum

What energy-saving options are most suitable to be applied at a the cultivation of chrysanthemum? Together with DLV Plant, Wageningen UR greenhouse horticulture has carried out two surveys commissioned by the program 'Kas ...

Leaf-mimicking device harnesses light to purify water

For years, scientists have been pursuing ways to imitate a leaf's photosynthetic power to make hydrogen fuel from water and sunlight. In a new twist, a team has come up with another kind of device that mimics two of a leaf's ...

DNA research offers clues on cell mutation

A team of researchers from Colorado State University has been studying DNA damage in living cells to learn more about how genetic abnormalities arise. It has long been known that DNA molecules in every cell get constantly ...

Understanding the impact of snow's reflectance

To help improve the accuracy of climate models, an international team involving the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has measured the reflectance of rough, snow-covered surfaces at large solar zenith angles.

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