No tax on CO2 emissions in China's new environment law

China has passed a law that levies taxes on pollution, but ignores carbon dioxide, one of the major contributors to global warming, according to the web site of the country's highest legislative body.

Should we go to Mars or back to the moon?

When humans finally blast off for another world, where will we be going? Will we return to the moon, and take over where the Apollo astronauts left off, or will we press onto Mars, and set foot on a whole new planet?

Image: Understanding the atmosphere of Venus

On 9 November 2005, 10 years ago today, ESA's Venus Express spacecraft left Earth and began its 153-day journey to Venus. The craft then spent eight years studying the planet in detail before the mission came to an end in ...

Quantifying the impact of volcanic eruptions on climate

Large volcanic eruptions inject considerable amounts of sulphur in the stratosphere which, once converted into aerosols, block sun rays and tend to cool the surface of the Earth down for several years. An international team ...

Did ocean acidification cause marine mollusc extinction?

New research, led by the University of Southampton, has questioned the role played by ocean acidification, produced by the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs, in the extinction of ammonites and other planktonic calcifiers ...

New reagents selected for nickel extraction

More nickel can be produced more efficiently from Australia's low-grade laterite ores if the metal is directly extracted after leaching with nitric acid, research suggests.

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