Lining MOF pockets to detect noxious gases

A porous material with tailor-made pockets stitched into its structure is a promising material for sensing noxious gases. A thin film of the material, coated onto an electrode, formed an electronic sensor that could detect ...

A proposal for Juno to observe the volcanoes of Io

Jupiter may be the largest planet in the solar system with a diameter 11 times that of Earth, but it pales in comparison to its own magnetosphere. The planet's magnetic domain extends sunward at least 3 million miles (5 million ...

Video: 'Yellow chemistry' turns sulfur waste into plastics

While many scientists are hard at work on "green chemistry" projects that will benefit the environment, there are a handful of researchers at the University of Arizona who are starting a trend of their own—"yellow chemistry." ...

Analysts assess new EPA rules cutting power plant emissions

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued its long-awaited draft regulations on carbon emissions from U.S. power plants, which would require a 30 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from 2005 levels ...

US to require lower-sulfur gasoline

The Obama administration is expected to propose new rules Friday that would slash the amount of sulfur in gasoline, one of the most significant steps the administration can take this term toward cutting air pollution, said ...

How the N2O greenhouse gas is decomposed

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a harmful climate gas. Its effect as a greenhouse gas is 300 times stronger than that of carbon dioxide. Nitrous oxide destroys the ozone layer. In industrial agriculture, it is generated on excessively ...

Carbon swap bank to beat climate change

Australian researchers have suggested that nations should abandon the concept of carbon emissions trading in favor of a carbon swap bank that might lead to genuine reductions in the amount of carbon dioxide greenhouse gas ...

China launches hourly air quality data index

China has started publishing hourly air-quality information for major cities across the country as the world's top source of greenhouse gas emissions tries to rein in its notorious pollution.

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