Chemists discover unexpected enzyme structure

Many microbes have an enzyme that can convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide. This reaction is critical for building carbon compounds and generating energy, particularly for bacteria that live in oxygen-free environments.

Sulfur analysis supports timing of oxygen's appearance

Scientists have long thought oxygen appeared in Earth's lower atmosphere 2.7 billion years ago, making life as we know it possible. A Rice University researcher has added evidence to support that number.

Carbon swap bank to beat climate change

Australian researchers have suggested that nations should abandon the concept of carbon emissions trading in favor of a carbon swap bank that might lead to genuine reductions in the amount of carbon dioxide greenhouse gas ...

Toxic cloud caused by Hawaii volcano lava emerges over ocean

White plumes of acid and extremely fine shards of glass billowed into the sky over Hawaii as molten rock from Kilauea volcano poured into the ocean, creating yet another hazard from an eruption that began more than two weeks ...

Acidification of slurry to reduce ammonia and methane emissions

Ammonia released into the environment is a major problem. Agriculture is considered the most prolific polluter—it is responsible for 95 percent of these emissions in Germany. The colorless, acrid gas is toxic in higher ...

Environmental concerns propel research into marine biofuels

A global effort to reduce sulfur and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships has researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and other Department of Energy facilities investigating the potential use ...

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