Science sweetens native honey health claims

Science has validated Indigenous wisdom by identifying a rare, healthy sugar in native stingless bee honey that is not found in any other food.

Lustful beetles desire water, not sex

( -- Female seed beetles are known for their promiscuity, a surprising fact given that the males of the species have dangerously sharp spikes on their sex organs. Now a U of T Mississauga team led by an undergraduate ...

Two-step chemical process turns raw biomass into biofuel

( -- Taking a chemical approach, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed a two-step method to convert the cellulose in raw biomass into a promising biofuel. The process, which is described ...

Glooko app offers diabetics easier self-checks

( -- A consumer health management app has joined an ever-growing list of Apple App Store items; Glooko helps diabetics check their blood sugar daily. Glooko is a Palo Alto startup that presents its core product ...

More than mere pond scum

( -- Algae could soon become a valuable biofuel resource, according to research at the University of Arizona.

Vomiting bumblebees show that sweeter is not necessarily better

Animal pollinators support the production of three-quarters of the world's food crops, and many flowers produce nectar to reward the pollinators. A new study using bumblebees has found that the sweetest nectar is not necessarily ...

Five reasons why sugar is added to food

From a food science and technology perspective, sugar (sucrose) plays several roles when it comes to the functional properties in food. In the September issue of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety published ...

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