Why are cacti so juicy? The secret strategy of succulents

Sunlight, harnessed by plants in the process of photosynthesis, powers almost all life on earth. Special adaptations allow certain plants to store up a battery of carbon dioxide overnight for use in photosynthesis during ...

Ants use 'photo library' to find home

(Phys.org) —Ants keep a collection of 'snapshots' taken close to the nest so they can find their way home from unfamiliar locations.

How do bees make honey? It's not just bee barf

(Phys.org) —Last weekend, my daughter asked me how bees made honey, and I realized that I didn't know the answer. How do bees make honey? I did some homework, and can now explain it to her – and to you.

Long distance calls by sugar molecules

All our cells wear a coat of sugar molecules, so-called glycans. ETH Zurich and Empa researchers have now discovered that glycans rearrange water molecules over long distances. This may have an effect on how cells sense each ...

Scientists train honey bees to stick out their tongues

Honey bees are a highly organized, social species, as demonstrated by their complex colonies and the geometric structure of their hives. For hive building, the honey bee strongly relies on its tactile sense, and a new video-article ...

Commonly used pesticide turns honey bees into 'picky eaters'

Biologists at UC San Diego have discovered that a small dose of a commonly used crop pesticide turns honey bees into "picky eaters" and affects their ability to recruit their nestmates to otherwise good sources of food.

Mystery hummingbird's species identified

A mystery that puzzled Chicago-area birders was solved when Field Museum scientists identified the unusual hummingbird living in an Oak Park, Ill., yard as a member of the rufous species rarely seen in the Midwest.

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