How tall trees move sugars

Scientists have long assumed that the sugars that nourish trees are pushed by water pressure from the leaves where they are created to the stems and roots where they are needed.

Sweet compounds aid water retention in dry soil

Organic material added by plant roots and microbes provides nutritious candy for the soil. Literally. Released cellular sugar fortifies water and nutrient retention, and maintains the porous earth, according to new Cornell ...

Concern over parasites affecting honey bees

Scientists from The University of Western Australia's Centre for Integrative Bee Research (CIBER) tagged 200 honey bee workers to find out how a highly-contagious fungal parasite (Nosema apis) impacts their ability to pollinate ...

New resource for managing the Mexican rice borer

A moth caterpillar called the Mexican rice borer (Eoreuma loftini) has taken a heavy toll on sugar cane and rice crops in Texas, and has moved into Louisiana, Florida, and other Gulf Coast states. Now a new article in the ...

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