Sugar responsible for shoot branching in plants

( —A University of Queensland study has overturned the long-held belief that plant hormones control the shape of plant growth, and shown instead that this process starts with sugar.

Genetically modified bacteria became efficient sugar producers

The production of rare sugars has been very costly until now. A recent doctoral study indicates that their production can be made significantly more efficient with the help of genetically modified bacteria. This reduces ...

Environmentally friendly cement is stronger than ordinary cement

New research from the Niels Bohr Institute shows that cement made with waste ash from sugar production is stronger than ordinary cement. The research shows that the ash helps to bind water in the cement so that it is stronger, ...

GMO corn, soybeans dominate US market

The discovery of unauthorized genetically engineered wheat growing on a farm in the US state of Oregon has cast a spotlight on agricultural biotechnology and the debate about its safety.

Molecular switch for cheaper biofuel

Biofuel is often obtained from starchy plants - but this places fuel production in competition with food production. At the Vienna University of Technology, genetically modified mold fungi are created, which have the ability ...

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