Related topics: electrons · graphene · silicon

The smallest puzzle in the world

Three pieces of less than 1 mm in size each may be put together to the probably smallest puzzle in the world. For production, researchers used LIGA2.X, a new process to manufacture microstructured casting molds at KIT's ANKA ...

Toward tinier transistors

( —The foundation of many, many modern electronic devices – including computers, smart phones, and televisions – is the silicon transistor. However, the shrinking of consumer electronics is driving researchers ...

Bringing color to solar facades

Until now, designers of buildings have no choice but to use black or bluish-gray colored solar panels. With the help of thin-film technologies, researchers have now been able to turn solar cells into colorful creations.

An environmentally friendly battery made from wood (Update)

Taking inspiration from trees, scientists have developed a battery made from a sliver of wood coated with tin that shows promise for becoming a tiny, long-lasting, efficient and environmentally friendly energy source. Their ...

Sweet solutions for detecting disease

Based at the Institute of Chemistry in the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ján Tkáč's research combines glycomics – the study of sugars in organisms – with biochip sensors based on nanoparticles and nanotubes. The complexity ...

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