Related topics: electrons · graphene · silicon

Research team flips the switch on ferroelectrics

Many next-generation electronic and electro-mechanical device technologies hinge on the development of ferroelectric materials. The unusual crystal structures of these materials have regions in their lattices, called domains, ...

Technique to synthesize monolayer films

A NIMS research group has developed a novel technique to synthesize monolayer films composed of neatly tiled two-dimensional materials, such as oxide nanosheets and graphene, on substrate surfaces in as quickly as one minute.

Researchers create very small sensor using 'white graphene'

Researchers from TU Delft in The Netherlands, in collaboration with a team at the University of Cambridge (U.K.), have found a way to create and clean tiny mechanical sensors in a scalable manner. They created these sensors ...

Semiconductors as decal stickers

No more error-prone evaporation deposition, drop casting or printing: Scientists at LMU Munich and FSU Jena have developed organic semiconductor nanosheets, which can easily be removed from a growth substrate and placed on ...

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