Related topics: electrons · graphene · silicon

Delivering pressure with an unconventional crystal interface

The use of pressure to alter semiconductor properties is showing increasing promise in applications such as high-performance infrared sensors and energy conversion devices. With a novel and unconventional crystal interface, ...

Graphene controls surface magnetism at room temperature

In a refreshing change of perspective, theoretical physicist Dr. Zeila Zanolli has looked at the proximity effects of graphene on a magnetic semiconducting substrate, finding it to affect the substrate's magnetism down to ...

Enhanced power devices open the way for high-voltage applications

Power semiconductors play an important role in power conversion in a wide range of electronic equipment we use in our everyday lives, from smartphones and computers to photovoltaics and electric vehicles. Given the extensive ...

Tuning in to magnetic ink

A new ink containing iron-oxide nanoparticles can be turned into fully printed and versatile components for cellular networks.

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