Breath instead of a blood test

Blow into the tube, please. In the future, the procedure will not just be used by police checking for alcohol intoxication, but also for testing the condition of athletes and for people who want to lose that extra bit of ...

The scent of adhesives

It is a known fact that adhesives may smell unpleasant. However, as Fraunhofer researchers have recently discovered, this doesn't need to be the case. Through extensive research on acrylic adhesives they were able to identify ...

New system learns how to grasp objects

Researchers at Bielefeld University have developed a grasp system with robot hands that autonomously familiarizes itself with novel objects. The new system works without previously knowing the characteristics of objects, ...

Cubic photometer makes light in a room visible

Light determines how we see the world. Take a golf ball: we can see the shine on it, make out the structure or even perceive it as a flat disk because in a certain light we cannot see any shadow. Knowledge of light and how ...

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