Slivers of land could power cheaper, greener nitrogen fertilizers

Nitrogen-based fertilizer contributes to the high yields expected from crops in the developed world, but its high use also damages nearby waters and ecosystems. Conversely, developing countries that most need yield improvements ...

Half of world's locked-down pupils lack computer: UN

Half of the world's school and university students affected by class closures because of the coronavirus outbreak—from pre-primary to university level—do not have access to a computer for home-schooling, the UN's educational ...

COVID-19 to push a half-billion people into poverty

The economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic could increase global poverty by as much as half a billion people or eight percent of the world's population—according to new research.

Africa faces grave risks as COVID-19 emerges, says economist

The first cases of COVID-19 emerged in China last November, and the virus has since moved inexorably to Europe and the United States. The virus didn't arrive in Africa—home to 1.2 billion people—until the end of February, ...

Improved yields in African project areas

Only two years in, InnovAfrica-farmers practicing diverse maize-legume and Brachiaria grass production are experiencing increased yields.

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