US graduates brace for return of student loan repayments

After a three-and-a-half year pandemic-era pause, US federal student loans start accumulating interest again from Friday, with repayments set to cut the monthly take-home pay of millions of Americans by hundreds, and in some ...

Surprising study results: Students are bored during exams

In the case of boredom, we think of many situations in life but intuitively not of exams. However, an international team of academics led by Thomas Götz from the University of Vienna has now studied exactly this phenomenon ...

Q&A: Year-round school—difference-maker or waste of time?

Contrary to how it sounds, "year-round" school usually doesn't mean students going to school throughout the year—or for more days than other students. Often it just means switching up the calendar so that there's not such ...

Researcher combats bullying of students with disabilities

Students with disabilities are often bullied and socially excluded in school at a far greater rate than their classmates. To help teachers recognize, respond to and prevent bullying toward these students, researchers at the ...

Business schools must step up on sustainable investing education

Sustainable investing takes into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors alongside traditional financial components. While this form of investing has existed for a long time, ESG has become a hot-button ...

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