Shear ultrasound shaking found to lower friction between solids

When high-frequency shaking occurs at an interface between two solids, recent experiments have revealed that the frictional forces between the objects can be weakened. Through a simple new experiment detailed in The European ...

Optical indicators based on cholesteric liquid crystal polymers

Optical indicators based colored polymers are autonomous responsive labels that provide an optical signal to represent a specific exposure over time. Polymers that possess a high degree of order can establish structural color, ...

3D ordered channel enhances electrocatalysis

A team led by Prof. YU Shuhong and Prof. HOU Zhonghuai from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences developed a theory-guided microchemical engineering (MCE) approach to ...

New report charts path toward superior earthquake recovery

For the last century, seismic building codes and practices have primarily focused on saving lives by reducing the likelihood of significant damage or structural collapse. Recovery of critical functions provided by buildings ...

A more sustainable material to reinforce concrete structures

The next generation of ultra high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) has just been created at EPFL. The new material will be used to strengthen and to extend the life span of bridges and other structures—both ...

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