CERN's ISOLTRAP reveals new magic in the atomic nucleus

( —The ISOLTRAP collaboration has measured the mass of exotic calcium nuclei using a new instrument installed at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The measurements, published on 20 June in the journal Nature, clearly ...

Smallest vibration sensor in the quantum world

Carbon nanotubes and magnetic molecules are considered building blocks of future nanoelectronic systems. Their electric and mechanical properties play an important role. Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and ...

Hunt for the platypus particle

All of the atoms in our bodies are made of electrons, protons and neutrons, and the protons and neutrons can be further broken down into quarks. Fundamentally, then, we are made of only two types of particles: electrons and ...

Quasar gas clouds: Gone, with the wind

(—The case of the missing quasar gas clouds has been solved by a worldwide team of astronomers, and the answer is blowin' in the wind.

Taking some guesswork out of high-energy physics

( -- SLAC theorist Stan Brodsky and his collaborator Xing-Gang Wu of Chongqing University have just made the lives of high-energy particle theorists the world over a bit easier. They've demonstrated a way to literally ...

Spinons -- confined like quarks

The concept of confinement is one of the central ideas in modern physics. The most famous example is that of quarks which bind together to form protons and neutrons. Now Prof. Bella Lake from Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Germany) ...

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