The future of electronics is stretchy

Stretchable electronic circuits are critical for soft robotics, wearable technologies, and biomedical applications. The current ways of making them, though, have limited their potential.

Making mechanical skin

Soft, stretchable materials that are also electrically conductive are hard to come by. It's even harder to create a circuit that withstands damage, going as far as to heal itself. For Carnegie Mellon University researchers, ...

A battery with a twist

Markus Niederberger's team of researchers at ETH has used stretchable materials to develop a battery that can be bent, stretched and twisted. For applications in bendable electronic devices, this is precisely the kind of ...

Artificial 'skin' gives robotic hand a sense of touch

A team of researchers from the University of Houston has reported a breakthrough in stretchable electronics that can serve as an artificial skin, allowing a robotic hand to sense the difference between hot and cold, while ...

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