Researchers create Cyborg Cells—natural-artificial cell hybrids

Natural and artificial cells are useful for research, with each having different pros and cons. In research published in Advanced Science, investigators recently created a hybrid called Cyborg Cells that have the engineering ...

Study reveals the complexity of microplastic pollution

Microplastics—small plastic pieces less than 5 millimeters in length—are ubiquitous in the environment, and they can have significant effects on wildlife. A new study published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry ...

Team studies mechanism of H. influenzae biofilm formation

A research study identifying novel bacterial physiology in the creation of biofilms by Nationwide Children's Hospital scientists has been published in the current issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Bees and environmental stressors—canaries in the coal mine

Bee populations are declining worldwide, raising concerns of a "pollination crisis." Scientists have identified links to many human-induced environmental stressors, including pesticides, pollutants, parasites, diseases, and ...

Researchers provide new insights on coral bleaching

Reef-building corals have a symbiotic relationship with Symbiodinium algae, and environmental stressors that cause algae to be expelled from reefs can give rise to the phenomenon known as coral bleaching.

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